Alex Luceli Jiménez (she/her) is a queer Mexican writer and school counselor in training living in Marina, CA. Her fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Berkeley Fiction Review, The Daily Californian, Lunch Ticket, Prismatica Magazine, Ram Eye Press, Tales From Between, Barren Magazine, Tiny Frights, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Southwest Review, Fish Barrel Review, Moonflowers & Nightshade: An Anthology of Sapphic Horror, and Scissor Sisters: An Anthology of Sapphic Villains. She is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection THIS RAMBLING HEART. Currently, she is revising a queer supernatural horror novel in the tradition of CARRIE as part of WriteHive's Mentorship Program. She was born and raised in southern California, and can almost certainly be found listening to Lana Del Rey, Lorde, or Phoebe Bridgers while writing and daydreaming about reforming public education. In May of 2021, she graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in comparative literature and creative writing, and she is currently working on an MA in education. She is also an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA).
Connect with Alex on Twitter and Instagram @alexluceli and read more about her work at alexlucelijimenez.com.